We believe in the power of mixing different worlds and different people.
“Worlds Meet Japan” is officially registered with the Japanese government as a non-profit “General Incorporated Association” (GIA), and is supported by volunteer townsfolk from all walks of life in Hakodate City. We all have full-time jobs or study outside our community work. Some funds come from the city each year, but the bulk of our budget is covered by sponsorship and by ticket sales. Any proceeds of events go towards transformational social and educational projects locally and internationally.
Japanese has the expression “ichi-go ichi-e”.
It describes the magic that can arise from chance meetings.
We try to create these opportunities.
We make physical meeting and intellectual meeting spaces.
We specialise in events with a little character.
We have a crazy dream of a “World Expo for Ideas”
Image credit: Akuppa John Wigham (on Flickr)
- Ian Frank – GIA Co-President & WMDF Festival director
- Naoto Soga – GIA Co-President & WMDF Artistic Director
- Motoaki “Kitt” Kitamura – Director of Legal Affairs
- Takuma Fukuda – Secretariat
9-9 Suehiro-cho, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido 040-0053 JAPAN