
Our local area is the stage for dozens of events. How many do you know?

“Fes to Fes” is our way of connecting more events and more audiences together. Here is the PR insert that was part of the 4,500 pamphlets made for our summer festival in 2018.


This simple start moved on big goals. What if every local event gave its audience a Fes2Fes listing? What if every locale linked its events and event-goers in this way? Audiences and events anywhere could literally “grow together”.

WMDF debuted Fes2Fes in 2018 as part of its “New Beginnings” theme looking foward to the next ten years. Want to help your local area’s audiences to find more events, to help events collaborate, and to help communities to grow together? Join us!

Project Data
Name: Fes2Fes
Catch: Local Events Growing Together
Producers: A community activity of “Worlds Meet Japan”
Targets: Event-goers, event organisers, local communities, anywhere
Website: fes2fes.org (under construction)
Documentation: Planning pdf (Jun 2018, Japanese)